Same-Sex Marriage Rights and Issues


When one considers the potential for marriage within a same-sex relationship, there are many legal issues that deserve the utmost consideration. Just some of these important issues include:

Is there a need for a prenuptial (premarital) agreement to confirm the method of ownership of property before the marriage relationship begins?

How will assets be acquired and held during the marital relationship?

Is there current and effective estate planning documentation in place for the married couple? It is strongly advised that the couple review their estate planning documentation before they enter into a marital relationship.

How does an existing registered domestic partnership affect one’s ability to enter into a legal marriage?

How will the marriage affect the spouse’s parental rights to children from a prior relationship?

If a particular marriage is recognized by a couple’s state of residency, how will a future move to another state affect the status of their marriage?

If the marriage comes to an end, what must a couple do to legally terminate the relationship?

For legal assistance with regard to same-sex marriage issues, contact Scott D. Fisher, Esq., at (323) 989-4860 or send your email inquiry to

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